” Leveraging such global connections can help GAAT develop a completely unique plan thatwill support Atlanta and Georgia based corporations’ goals. The agencies engaging in GAAT are hopeful that their research anddevelopment efforts will extend case study solution identity of Atlanta and Georgia ashighly available travel and tourism locations. Their efforts should one day help Georgia residents and guests withdisabilities navigate transportation amenities easily, adventure smoothair travel, find available hotels and inns, adventure attractions andexhibits, and feature a thoroughly entertaining event in Georgia. For additional info on G3ict, please visit To become involved in these conferences, please touch Francesca Cesa . Trina Bolton is a graduate of George Washington University where she majoredin International Affairs. She was employed in case study answer company relationsdepartment of case study solution Brookings Institution in Washington for several yearsthereafter and has since worked on a number of arts and journalism tasks inAtlanta.