In case study solution absence of any genuine record, it is very difficult for case study answer government to appropriately estimate case study solution actual financial status of case study answer country. Consequently, it turns into immensely challenging for case study solution government to devise and implement policies for case study solution countrys financial advancement. Even case study answer unemployment data of case study solution nation could have major loopholes, due to case study answer presence of case study solution underground financial system. Black markets are a big part of case study answer casual economic climate of case study solution world, and millions of people are employed in these markets. However, it isn’t feasible for any financial records to estimate case study solution exact number of employed people in case study solution country, as those employed in case study solution black markets, are sometimes marked as unemployed. Underground economic system arises from in addition to leads to corruption. By 2006 Sam Palmisano, case study answer boss of IBM, was arguing that case study solution globally integrated business run as a unitary supplier, as opposed to as a federation, would transcend all borders as it sought the integration of production and cost birth all over the world. From case study answer Seattle demonstrations of 1999 onwards, anti globalisation activists had been saying much case study answer same, while drawing less solace from case study solution prospect. The only business star to withstand case study answer orthodoxy was Warren Buffett; he sought out monopolies at home instead. Such a spree could not last at all times; an increasing body of facts shows that it has now ended. In 2016 multinationals cross border investment probably fell by 10 15%. Impressive as case study answer share of trade accounted for by cross border supply chains is, it has stagnated since 2007 see chart 2.