5 inch groups at 100 yards let alone it recoiled so hard that it’d lift case study solution rifle and bipod off case study answer capturing bench. After setting up case study answer brake my rifle will now shoot 3 shots touching at 100 yards and doesn’t recoil any harder than my . 308 Win. This is an awesome product for recoil manage on the cheap 5/5 for me. Date Added: 11/05/2015Bought a T/C Venture 7MM mag with case study solution clamp on muzzle break. The first 10 rounds through case study answer gun I had a groping of about 1 1/2 inches. I assume by someone who didnt like my email or maybe who was on her PMS. I was completely shocked as I had never even concept that an article listing may have a grudge towards one single purchaser. Because, yes, by case study solution way, anyone posting articles on their site is a purchaser to them, and will be treated as such. They make money thanks to us. Thats why Hubpages actually advertise on places like Problogger to get people to write for them. Frankly, I was totally shocked by their conduct and couldnt consider it!Since I wasnt home when I saw that, I couldnt wait to get home to take away all my hubs from there.